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Phone 628998937095
Location Jakarta

Multiple Variable

The variables provided allow recipients to view their personal information, such as name, telephone number, and current time, as well as provide unique values and date information in English and Indonesian formats.

The given variables provide various pieces of information that can be used in the context of interacting with the recipient. Here is a detailed description of each variable:

  • {name}: This variable allows the recipient to see their own name. By using this variable, the chatbot can access and display the name of the individual using the service or interacting with the system.
  • {phone_number}: This variable grants access to the recipient's phone number. It allows the chatbot to display the phone number associated with the recipient's account or personal information.
  • {my_name}: This variable reveals the name of the chatbot, enabling the recipient to see the identity of the chatbot they are interacting with.
  • {my_email}: This variable discloses the chatbot's email address, allowing the recipient to view or contact the chatbot via email if needed.
  • {my_contact_number}: This variable provides access to the chatbot's contact number, enabling the recipient to contact the chatbot via telephone if necessary.
  • {timenow}: This variable provides the current time in the format of hours:minutes:seconds. It allows the chatbot to display the current time to the recipient, which can be useful in various contexts, such as schedules, reminders, or real-time information.
  • {uniqueId}: This variable generates a unique value using a combination of random numbers and letters. It can be used to provide a unique identification to the recipient, for example, as an order number or reference number.
  • {datenow_eng}: This variable displays the current date in the format of year-month-day in English. It enables the chatbot to present the current date to the recipient in an internationally understandable format.
  • {daynow_eng}: This variable displays the name of the current day in English. It allows the chatbot to provide information about the current day to the recipient.
  • {full_date_eng}: This variable displays the complete date and time in the format of "D MMMM Y, H:i:s" (e.g., "8 March 2024, 10:30:45") in English. It enables the chatbot to provide information about the current date and time to the recipient in a clear and structured format.
  • {full_date_id}: This variable displays the complete date and time in the format of "D MMMM Y, H:i:s" (e.g., "8 Maret 2024, 10:30:45") in Indonesian. It allows the chatbot to provide information about the current date and time to the recipient in a more familiar Indonesian language.
  • {datenow_id}: This variable displays the current date in the format of "D MMMM Y" (e.g., "8 Januari 2024") in Indonesian. It allows the chatbot to present the current date in a familiar format to recipients who speak Indonesian.
  • {daynow_id}: This variable displays the name of the current day in Indonesian. It enables the chatbot to provide information about the current day to the recipient in their preferred language.
  • {year}: This variable displays the current year in a four-digit format (e.g., "2024"). It allows the chatbot to provide information about the current year to the recipient.

By utilizing these variables, the chatbot can customize and provide relevant and personalized information to the recipient during their interactions.

Pricing to suite all size of business

*We help companies of all sizes
Super Apps

Rp.1,200,000.00 /month

  • Messages limit (unlimited)
  • Contact limit (unlimited)
  • Device limit (15)
  • Template limit (unlimited)
  • Template ai limit (14)
  • Apps limit (unlimited)
  • Chatbot
  • Bulk message
  • Schedule message
  • Access chat list
  • Access group list

Rp.350,286.00 /month

  • Messages limit (unlimited)
  • Contact limit (unlimited)
  • Device limit (3)
  • Template limit (1)
  • Template ai limit (10)
  • Apps limit (unlimited)
  • Chatbot
  • Bulk message
  • Schedule message
  • Access chat list
  • Access group list

Rp.50,000.00 /month

  • Messages limit (100)
  • Contact limit (50)
  • Device limit (1)
  • Template limit (0)
  • Template ai limit (3)
  • Apps limit (1)
  • Chatbot
  • Bulk message
  • Schedule message
  • Access chat list
  • Access group list

All Plan Included

  • Multiple Variable
  • Send text, image, audio, video, document, location
  • Spin Text
  • Plugin Wordpress
  • Plugin Google
  • Secure Connection API SSL
  • Single Send
  • Bulk Send
  • Send to group
  • Google Apps Script Integrator
  • Google Sheet Integrator
  • Google Form Integrator